When I first started traveling, I had the romantic notion that “real” traveling had to be all about having authentic experiences. I also had a specific idea of what “authentic” meant. It meant eschewing pre-packaged tours. It meant immersing in strange lands where there were less “tourists”, where the local folk spoke a different...
Read MoreBagan is the ancient capital of this region. Before it was known as Myanmar. Before it was known as Burma. The ruler at that time, King Anawratha had recently shifted over to the Theravada school of Buddhism, and wanted in no uncertain terms to ensure that his subjects weren’t lacking for places of worship. He proceeded to build over 800 (yes, Eight Hundred!!!)...
Read MoreThe bus ride was bumpy. No, terribly bumpy. Scratch that, indefatigably bumpy. Like horribly, terribly, supercallifragilisticexpialidociously BUMPY (Did I just extend the longest word in the English dictionary to make an even longer word? Dang, yes I did!). Jodee and I, after spending three days in Inle Lake, had caught a bus to the much heard about Bagan....
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