Walking out of our hostel one day what did we see but a Bollywood movie displayed at a Yangon movie theater. Now, after a month of temple visiting in Bali and Pagoda visiting in Yangon, immersing ourselves into a Bollywood movie (for you never just watch a Bollywood movie, you immerse into it) is like having a nice juicy burger after starving for 2 days. Pure...
Read MoreThe second day in Yangon dawned bright and early with Jodee and I heading out first to acclimatize ourselves, sartorially… Donned in Lungis, or Longyis as the Burmese call them, we headed over to see the number one attraction in Yangon, the huuuuuuuge golden bell that forms the roof of the biggest of the gazillion Pagodas in Myanmar, the Shwedagon Pagoda. The...
Read MoreI booked tickets with Golden Myanmar Airlines to Yangon, as they were the cheapest airline. For family reasons I changed my flight last minute to the next day. Their website was a bit sketch, and the transaction fell through halfway resulting in the CC being charged but the ticket not being issued (I have to say, I still prefer this to Lion Air, an Indo-Thai budget...
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